Friday, August 25, 2006


I like to go to the gym and workout and then sleep for the rest of the day. and maybe watch Alice in Wonderland. and eat some kettle corn.
I saw this clip of Madonna on BUSBLOG and she was being a RAGING BITCH! and she was talking in this weird british accent. I am goign to start to do that. sounds fun.
HEllllOOOO my name is KKAtherrrYYYN.
you probably cant tell but thats my british accent.
it would be so nice if something made sense for a change.
20 IS YOUNG. I dont even remember being 20.
I guess I do remember. I was working at that pie place and I was getting married and I had a little apartment filled with super cool stuff.
I dont think I smoked the weed back then.
that was during a break time.
I am way cooler now.

A lady in the gym really gotinto my business earlier and its funnywhen that happens cause I like LET it happen. I answer peoples intrusive questions. why? why do I answer? why do people even talk to me?

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