Saturday, May 13, 2006


Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingi do not want to sell my old couch to anyone!!!! It is mine and I plan on using it in my apartment that I do not have.
and my chair that matches that is all tore up due to one of my bastard cats that I threw out of my life. I can't sell it for 25 dollars. NO.
50 bucks for the chair and $125 for the couch. $150 if you buy it as a set. thats a steal.

a mexican man just bought my minnie mouse large brim hat.
He left wearing it.
silly mexican.

Today I want to grill hamburgers and hot dogs. and i want some watermelon and cherry kool-aide.
cherry is the best cause it makes your lips nice and red. and tasty.

I HATE HATE HATE when people talk to me with their stupid backs to me.
I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!

* and I have posted this picture before.

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