Monday, May 22, 2006

Here Come The Bastards

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I was thinking of renaming this here blog to "IVE BEEN FUCKIN' AWESOME".
but maybe that is too much.
Unctuous is my new favorite word and I will be trying to use it daily.
I am sure that will last one day.
I never follow through with anything.
BUT somethings I follow through till the END.
like my anger.
till death do us part.
me heart anger.
kat+anger= 4 eva.

i see people from the gym and church everywhere I go.
I see the church people in the gym and the gym people in the church.
I am part of the community.

and yoga was too hard today and I got pissed and almost made a scene and walked out.
but didnt. but I imagined it all.
then during the fake meditation time this man was outside the yoga area YELLING "YEAH THATS IT!!! WITH YOUR LEGS!! YOU GOT ITT!!! YEAH!!! FEEL IT!!! OH YEAH!!!" to some girl he was "training".
and that was kinda annoying.

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