Friday, May 05, 2006

I just don't know

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WHile shopping in Target this evening some lady/girl about my age seemed to be interested in talking tome.

She asked how my day was going and I told her fine and made some funny joke and she was LIKE YEA! I HEAR YA!! and I was like YEAH. and she had a little boy and I felt like maybe she was new to town and needed some friends.
And I was thinking that sure I could be your friend. WHy not?

anyways all that happened in the hair clip aisle. But then she said bye have a good night and went away.
leaving me feeling good about the situation.
BUT then like 3 minutes later she came back and tried toget me involved in some fucking business opportunity bullshit. what the fuck dude? I was very nice though. but still what the mother effer is that? I don't even want to ever go shopping outside again. thank goodness I was not fucking high. HEAVENS TO BETSY!

but actually i think I may have given her my cell phone number. whatever FUCK!

i don't know. the whole thing was just stupid.

stupid fucking people.

i sometimes hate em all!

I hate lots.

I think I have an overload of hate.


but thanks for stopping by.

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