Sunday, May 07, 2006

I don't want any laughs

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingToday is a church day. I have to bring my son and that gives me major anxiety.

It will be fine.

My husband told me that I may offend people at church with the stuff that I wear.

i have lots of clothes with skulls on them. like the rest of the free world. I think they are pretty. BUT his comment made me change my shirt.

FINE! I think that is silly BUT I don't wanna offend anyone. and people are easily offend. BUT REALLY WHY WOULD A SKULL OFFEND YOU? YOu have one doncha?

I bet the church people are offended that I don't sing, I don't do any of their father, son and the holy ghost voodoo, and i don't kneel. I do shake hands and give them my peace. thats fun.

Peace be with you.

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