I can't exactly figure out how I feel. I guess I will go with good. but for awhile today my stomach hurt.
I tried to eat. Out. with the public.
I scan places real fast now when I enter.
all was clear. then that ONE person I see EVERYWHERE walked in the door!!
I got all ticked off about it. and Tim was like CALM THE FUCK DOWN!
and I was like WHAT? why cant I just freak out?!!?
I dont wanna talk or be seen by anyone and then have to talk bullshit for 3-5 minutes! AGAIN!
I just don't. its like torture. so let me freak out.
I finished my stupid food and we hit the road.
then when I was IN my car I made some eye contact. damn it.
we shoudl just have lunch already! I know this person OBVIOUSLY wants to!
freakin stalker@!
i have things to accomplsh today so I won't feel like a complete FAILURRE!
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