I almost got into a SERIOUS CAR ACCIDENT! SERIOUS! it was too close.
I was so angry! this car of PUNKS turned RIGHT in front of me! we were SOOooooo close to smashing! and I was traveling at about 55MPH.I wish someone could have seen how close it was.
and IF WE WOULD HAVE crashed and if i would have been uninjured I would have JUMPED out of my car and I would have BEAT THOSE MOYTHER FUCKERS UP!
I SWEAR TO CHRIST! i would have completly LOST IT! I may have been arrested. I know I would have been an eruption of temper.
But thank goodness I am such a skillful driver. serious.
also my son was with me and he called them FATHEADS. I was like YES they ARE FATHEADS!
anywayss that happened.
and then later in the evening I had a mini panic attack at my friends house.
and then I was accused of being RUDE to an EL POLLO LOCO employee.
All i said was "FINE." is that rude?
maybe I am rude.
and maybe I think everyone is stupid too.
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