Monday, October 30, 2006

in that wave it was a success

I like whne I am trying to talk and I have a specific plan for the flow of the conversation and then some BYSTANDER POPS IN AND STEALS THE FLOW. and it turns intosome bullshit about catching spiders with a cup.
but ionly like it becasue I am NOT a control freak. thats why I canlike something like that.
I just love bullshit.
and that makes me ahead.
because if you dont loveit you HATE it and then YOU FAIL.
I like watching primetimeprograms during the day TIME!
and I love taking care of problems. your problems. my problems and definitly THEIR problems.
mostly myproblems.
i am gonna wear knee highs today.
everything feels so good.
its cause November is coming.
OH NO! I had some reallllly bad dreamslast night BUT it wasnt so bad.
really it was fine.

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