Saturday, July 08, 2006

whats got into you?

I dont have any idea what to blog about EVER.
I went to the gym for 2 hours today. I felt like it was not enough.
the kick boxing class I took was taught by a very feminine man.
It was a lot of fun.
I like feminine men. They just seem so happy and nice and see the brightside of life.
I guess. This guy just seemed cool and nice. made me feel nice and comfortable.
whatever I am stupid.
I should be in the shower.
but I sat down at my computer and it took FOOOOOREEEVVVVERRR to even begin blogging that I had my anxiety attack.
I had to rest my head down on my table I was getting so heated.
my rainbow spinnning wheel made an appearance like 12 times.
I calmed myself down but now that I am trying to explain how impatient I become I feel my heart beating faster and harder.
that is sooooooo gay.
but I am fine now.
NOW I will take a nice shower.
and then I will try to have some fun.

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