Monday, July 10, 2006

I will read you a book

I admit that I have no idea what is going on and I just might be as dumb as I think.
or more dumb than I think.
and that is just fine. it is all ok and everything will be ok.
a large needle was stuck in my wrist by a very attractive, youngish, male, doctor. My entire doctors appt was a delight.
the needle extracted some GEL FLUID. BUT I swear it looks like its already coming back.
this is all the opposite of interesting.

i feel like I need to take a bath and do some serious exfoliating.
thats what I need to do.
and I need to stop trying to pressure my soon to be 4 year old into having a PIRATE birthday party verses a BATMAN birthday party.
who the fuck do I think I am?!?!
Batman is cool.
I guess for my 26th birthday i will have a pirate party.
or no party at all.
just pie.

do you feel all the positive energy swirling around your FACE!??!!?

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