I am so not free. to be totally EMO HONEST with you I feel like sitting in a corner and crying. RIGHT now that seems appealing and maybe satisfying. But it also seems lame. but maybe not. crying is necessary once in awhile.
MY IVEBEENCRYN banner thing was lost. I lost it. and then I felt relieved for a bit. LIKE YEAH! I am not crying anymore.
whatever. that Ivebeencryn thing is my email and when I give it out people will say ahhh YOU HAVE?
Its just a piece of lyrics from one of my favorite songs.OK!! and yeah maybe i DOOOO cry shouldnt we ALLLL CRY???
whatever I am just a little baby.
I will post again soon to get this pathetic one closer to the bottom.
and actually I dont feel like cryin anymore.
I feel like showering and smoking.
like a playa.
i dont know why i added that.
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