Wednesday, November 15, 2006

you could say that the asshole left me high and dry

my new camera made me feel fucking pissed earlier. but we are fine now. storm blew over so to speak.
i am always thinking about how things are flawed. what the flaw is and why I find it a flaw.
and then I will wonder WHYTHE THING IS SO FLAWED!? how did that happen?
then try to remember that things are just NEVER perfect.
one time on my way to HAWAII I was searching for the flaw.
It wasnt hard to find. it was christmas and I felt that a cabin in the snow would have been better. and I felt like I was ON THE RUN.
and the trip did turn out to be a big flop.
the weather was horrible and really the island of MAUI isnt the BEST island there.
but maybe MAUI is YOUR favorite so GOD FORBID!

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