Wednesday, April 26, 2006

you will go to sleep early and wake up early

I went out in the world for awhile today and RAN INTO EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM.
literally. It seems that CHILIS IS WHERE ITS AT NIGGA. if you are with your mom. but I was not with mymom. but I am a mom. typing this crap seems meaningless. like you DONT EVEN GET WHAT I AM SAYING! YOU DON'T GET IT!
people sitting in the booth next to mine prayed before they ate. how rude.
they held hands and prayed.
I just eat when my food comes.
maybe I thank the server.

i can't imagine how horrible it must be to be blind. I would rather be deaf.
Cause then you could still feel the vibrations.BUT TO BE BLINd?!??!
everything is just gone.
what about losing your sense of TASTE!?
sometimes that could be useful.

ok I can't think of anything more to say.
maybe I should get drunk?

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