Thursday, April 13, 2006


Did a little Magic Mountain today.
I should have worn a dress. I was sweating like swine.
I don't like feeling like swine.
I thought it would be like 70 and comfortable.
I almost went before hand to buy this super cute tank top I have been fantasizing about.
It has a big SKUNK on it.
Looks like Pepe' Le Pu.
FUCK I should have gotten it. I could have helped with the whole themepark theme.
DAMN IT!! I should have listened to my inner voice.
i would have been MUCH more comfy today in that tank top.
O well. I always have some sort of discomfort.
Tomorrow I buy that damn tank top.
OR..has the moment passed?
maybe so.

hmm swine and skunks.
what is MY PROBLEM?

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