Friday, February 10, 2006

And THIS is ONLY the beginning

Image hosting by <br />PhotobucketThis is my 300th post. just thought I would let it be known.

So I was walking into Target holding my sons hand and this other mother and her daughter were walking out. ANd the daughter is crying. Not to abnormal, kids always cry. BUT THIS GUY says OH SHUT UP YOU FUCKIN BRAT! I was like "OH WOW".
People are so angry.

Lets see what else happened today.....
I took a GAZILLION TRILLON MILLION pictures of myself and my legs.
Cause I bought a summer dress and I am a little girl in it.

I think tomorrow I will be crafty and make some Valentines for all the special people in my life.
All 5 of them.
well maybe 7.

oh and I will wear pigtails tomorrow so the little girl feel will run strong.

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