Friday, December 23, 2005

I have model hands

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I feel like the Incredible Hulk.

I will be cruisin about my day and then KABOOOOOOOM! I morph into a monster.

I just this minute got so pissed that I slammed my computer shut and hurt my finger.


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I am not prepared for Christmas.

Supposed to have Christmas dinner here at my house.

I guess that means I need a turkey and stuff.

All I want to do now is sit on my knees and eat sushi.

I will start with the Crunchy Sexy roll or The Girlfriend.

They both involve Shrimp Tempura.

My fave.

Which I will be doing in about thirty minutes.

I assume.


carrie said...

i'm the 'credible hulk, too!

Kathryn said...

yes we are.