Sunday, August 14, 2005

I feel like my life is one big movie.
If only I could explain.

It is lightening and thundering.
I love it.
It makes me feel alive and aware.
When I feeel the storm start to fade so do I.

I was hoping the poweer would shut off.
It flickered a few times so I started to panic.
My heart raced and I ran around looking for light sources.
I could not find my large black flashlight.
I swear I almost started to cry the fear was so powerful.
But very exciting and ALIVE.
Rather than dull and dead.
No tank you.
I am not down with the dull and the dead.
SO I lit some candles
But unfortunatly there was no power outages.

But I stood outfront for awhile, getting all wet cause it was raining.
And I turned and got a view of my house and I swear I thought I was in a old west scene or some shit in a movie.
And I was like the lady in the movie.
My movie.
My crazy fucked up movie.
But why old west?
I mean I realize it is 2005.
But this IS fucking old west compared to what is to be.
Maybe i just watch to many movies?
Maybe I should be an actress?
I would say that I thought old west cause of the lighting of the candles, but I did that AFTER standing outside.
It was a time warp!@
I experienced some sort of time travel parrraalllel universe thing.
It is too complicated to explain.
So I won't even try.


Kathryn said...

are you fucking kidding me with that crap? ha ha
i think I should stop blogging.

carrie said...

those are SPAM comments. you should delete them. blogger comments are being attacked by them lately.

Anonymous said...

Spam sucks.

You, however, do not suck.

Keep it up and check me out at SoPink. It's a site all about PINK.

carrie said...

aack! Janet's turned into a spambot!
i wonder if she has machine gun jubblies?


Anonymous said...

You are so odd.

Kathryn said...

who is odd?
yes. she is.

carrie said...