Friday, September 09, 2005

And here we are

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the other day I was trying to have a good day, by going out with my family for some sushi and I fell down in the parking lot.

It was really dumb.
I was holding Drew while I fell and Drew smakcked his head on the hard concrete.
It was a horrible sound.
I felt horrible.

It was chaos.

We had to go to urgent care.
But he is now fine.
It was horrible.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap. How scary. Are you okay?

Kathryn said...

i scrapped my knee. and kinda hurt my wrist but I am also fine.
It was so completly lame.
I guess I tripped over a shrub. ha ha

Kathryn said...

Drew was falling asleep and his eyes were rolling all around it was really scary.
we had to keep him awake.

nicole said...

I would be freaking out. Plus, I'm such a clutz, that would totally happen to me. So glad he's ok. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That's awful. I'm glad everything is okay.

Your son is adorable. :)

carrie said...

GOSH! that sucked! glad everyone's okay, now!