Sunday, September 04, 2005

So I might as well blog.
I read this thing late last night that three year olds are suppposed to be "a mothers dream"
according to Dr. Sears.
Well, whatever.
Then I am screewed!
This all must all sound horrible.
Because I love my three year old son, but he is no dream.

but he does have his moments.
one extreme to the mext.
Three is just such a strange age.


nicole said...

At least you're past the terrible two's. They're over with by then. right? RIGHT!?! xoxo

Kathryn said...

Things are easier and things are tougher.

being a mother is just so hard.
At least for me.
Being in charge of someone you love so much is scary.

nicole said...

That's exactly it! This crazy-intense-love, that has you terrified at every turn that something could change it. I guess that's the price we pay for getting to love so deeply. xoxo
(I am a comment whore today!)