Friday, November 05, 2010

Lets blast forward to the here and now !

Birthday cake!I tasted the rainbow tonight. An ENTIRE bag of Rainbow and now I feel all sugared up and noodle craving.
I just wanna go to bed, wake up tomorrow morning, cook up and eat my oatmeal, take a walk, go to a soccer game, drive to SUPER TARGET, pick up my tea and THEN head over to COSTCO to buy a fancy adding machine.
I have never before purchased an adding machine so I am looking forward to that.
Buying anything is great fun to me.
HELL! EVEN toilet paper and tampons are fun to buy.
Send me to the store for anything.
Need some type of colon cleanse, douche or ointment that you're too shy to buy?
I'll be happy to go.
what type of ladies douche anyways? sickos.
Back to tomorrow :
I should also get a pumpkin pie.
NOW we know whats going down.vampiressa
So hi,
I had a SUCKY Halloween party and turned 31.
Visited the DEPT of MOTOR VEHICLES to renew my license and have my picture taken!!!
Dreaded the whole thing for way too long for no good reason at all. The experience was pleasant and painless THANKS to my good attitude and appt setting skills...
a friend suggested the appt so having some friends is helpful.
I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT! Probably in like 4-6 weeks.
Heres to hoping that it is as nice as my last DMV photo.
CHanged up my description a teeny bit too.
CHange is unavoidable.
The insane November heat is keeping us from enjoying my new birthday jacket but even that'll change eventually.

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