Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI have an unfeeling headache. The brand of headache that comes when you have been high allll day looongs.

I went to go get my dream tuna sandwish and a girl so totally passed the heck out and broke her plate of food and caused all sorts of ballyhoo.
I WAS IN HYSTERICS!! no no I JUST STOOD AND STARED thinking how I could be of some help if only I was a doctor or nurse.
I had my food in my hand and was heading for an open table NEAR the XCITEMENT but I thought 'this is not some circus of entertainment this is a serious situation!'
so I sat far far far away.
18 firemen and paramedics came and wheeled her out on a bed.
after all that I needed a nap.
I did however enjoy my TUNA ON MULTIGRAN.
maybe a lil bit too mucho mayo.
I also had green tea.

I saw a snip of Oprah and GLORIA VANDERBILT WAS ON talking about her sons suicide.
he flew out his window like some kind of bluebird or jet plane.
I am pretty pretty pretty sure that I'm related to her.
somewhere I am related to the VANDERBILTS!!!
I heard that somewhere.

my life is so staggering.

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