Thursday, May 18, 2006


Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingit should be summer all year long.
Summer time makes me want to drink a gallon of MIDORI SOURS everyday.
This weekend I willl start. I feel as if I have been talking a lot about booze.
Yesterday I was goign to make my ginger lemonade vodka drink but it turned into a Amaretto ginger lemonade.
Amaretto is by far my favorite.
I used to drink a lot of brandy but i had a bad experience one night in a limo.
The night involved lots of brandy, professional wrestling, sea food, strip clubs, and self induced vomitting.
it was not very exciting.
and now I can't even drink brandy.
i hardly ever get drunk anymore.
its just no fun to get all wasted and sick.

BUT I will be drinking some Midori Sours this weekend.
they are very sweet.

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