Sunday, May 07, 2006

don't be a bitch-face

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI have started to delete comments that I don't like. that is one step closer to deleting comments all 2gether. or this whole lame o blog. I imagine deleting it at least twice a day. I wonder how I would feel and what I would do. WOUlD I immediately try to create a NEW one? WOuld I feel relief? who knows? would I keep the new one a secret? would it be better? worse probably.

I imagined running over a pedestrian this evening.
I imagined killing them.
cause I went sorta fast.
I imagined how my life would be ruined and OVER. and I would go to jail I guess and whatever else happens in those circumstances.

so I better just slow down. and make sure I don't RUN anyone over. cause that would suck-balls.

I ran into an old old friend.


Ok so I sorta screamed across the stupid store to get their attention.

whatever still.

I feel like getting a tattoo of a shark.

but i won't.

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