Sunday, October 02, 2005

fresh air is tasty

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sometimes I wonder if everyone has such complex issues as myself. I know that everyone has problems and crazy things. Maybe you are just living life happily with a smile. Maybe it is just that easy. NOw dont get me wrong I am happy. I just have this stuff in my brain that eats away at me. STuff I WANT! ALways the stuff I want. never satisfied. Then that leads to guilt and self loathing. Why not be simple and carefree and flow with it?
But in the house I am alone wth my son and my animals and my thoughts of all the stuff I want.
and most of it is completly out of my reach. MOST of it. But some stuff is attainable.
But do I really want that stuff??
will it really make it all better?
But not one person really knows what I am talking about.

Maybe a boob job is the answer.


Bleach The infamous strawberry said...

These are the kind of questions everyone has, you know the kind of questions that really makes you doubt about the fact that what you need is maybe not what you want and vice versa and then you wish something to happen so that it ll help you, and its hard.But at the same time it proves how beautiful life is with its indefinite and numerous aspects.Im only 19.

carrie said...

mostly i torture myself with paranoid thoughts and insecurities. generally i don't want anything that can be purchased. i'd like to not have any debt, though. and i'd like to pass my classes. those are my issues. that and guilt. lots of guilt.

Kathryn said...

The stuff I want cant really be bought either.
So I just compensate by buying crap.
mostly clothes and make-up.
so superficial.
rock on life.rock on!